A Method

A project springs from an intuition, an idea, backed up by a continuously updated research method. Every project is then a research of sorts. It starts from a hypothesis, then moves on to solutions, adjustments, sometimes eliminations. Every time an hypothesis comes up, it is put to the test through several tools. Traditional instruments like drawings and physical models are coupled with digital calculus and design; data obtained is analysed and its results are brought back to the project.

Every work can be seen like a sort of mathematical formula: it has data and it has variables. Several factors make up every equation, but they can be grouped together around some key concepts, which provide the frame around which thoughts, ideas, researches are organized.
Each key is developed with attention to its deep significance and its etymology.
These concepts are then applied to the context where the building will be constructed, they get filled with meaning and connected with each other.
The ever-changing interaction between factors in play produces results which aspire to be truthful, appropriate, and concise.

There are four macro-categories which serve as theoretical cruxes around which the research and the project are based: idea, typology, topology, tectonics. These concepts are then translated and actualised into the workflow through terms like type, contributions, climate, context, construction.
Within a project these words are represented by icons which act as synthesis for the reasoning on each field.

The following words lead to the several perspectives of the design process. These icons act as cornerstones for every project, and together they generate a picture which can be explored in an unusual and intimate fashion.

Idea ⎮  Type ⎮  Contributions⎮  Climate ⎮  Context ⎮  Construction